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St. Joseph Class of 1973 Cement Our Legacy as Vikings Forever!
Now is the time for the SJ Class of '73 to show its commitment to VASJ and help support the needs of the school's faculty and students for continued success today and in the future.
There are two ways to support VASJ financially through the SJ '73 Giving Campaign: Make a single gift donation or a pledge to support the needs of VASJ.
You can make your pledge two ways: 1. If you want to support ONLY ONE SPECIFIC NEED, AND YOU WOULD LIKE TO GIVE TODAY BY CREDIT CARD, you can process your pledge below through the school's online giving option. Be sure to select under the heading "Designation" how you wish to direct your pledge.
2. If you wish to support MORE THAN ONE SPECIFIC NEED, OR YOU WISH TO PAY YOUR PLEDGE BY CHECK YOU MUST click on the "SJ '73 Giving Form" link below.
If you are pledging to to support only one of the needs listed below, you can simply fill out the online giving option below. If you wish to support more than one need listed, please select the giving for link above, complete the form, save it as an attachment and email it to [email protected]. For your convenience, the Giving Form above is editable. You may complete the form electronically by typing your information directly into the form. When the form is complete, you can save it as an attachment and email it directly to [email protected]. You can also print the form and mail it to the VASJ Advancement Office at the address below. If you wish to send a check with your form, be sure to make the check payable to VASJ. Be sure to include SJ '73 Gift on the memo line to ensure your gift supports your class efforts. Payment by check is preferred for large donations in lieu of large credit card processing fees.
SUPPORT BY EMAIL: After completing the form, email it as an attachment to: [email protected]. SUPPORT BY MAIL: Mail completed form (and check if applicable) to: Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School ATTN: Advancement Office 18491 Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44119
SUPPORT BY ONLINE GIVING: Donate by using the form below. Please contact us with any questions you have via email at [email protected] or at 216-481-8414 ext. 259. To learn about giving through gifts of stock, IRA distributions, donor advised funds, or estate planning, contact the VASJ Advancement Office as well.
All pledges or donations made online will receive a confirmation email once your gift has been submitted.
The areas of focus for the SJ '73 Class Giving Campaign are:
To be used at the discretion of the Class of 1973 Committee
Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers
Equipment for STEM classes including a CO2 Laser Engraver with Rotary Attachment
Laptop Computers for the new Business & Entrepreneurship Course at VASJ
Annual Funding for Kairos Retreats
St. Joseph Class of 1973 Endowment Scholarship
New Curtains for the Stage in the Gym
New Stage Lighting
Financial Support of VASJ Music/Band Program
Athletic Field Bleachers - $330,000 commitment for naming rights
Thank you for your consideration and support - GO VIKINGS!