After school tutoring will be offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Students can receive help with their studies with Mrs. Armen in room 315 (Science, Religion & History) or with Ms. Mowrey in room 305 (Math & English). Please make
sure your student comes prepared and signs in.
The VASJ Bookstore will be open Monday-Friday from 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. when school is in session. Stop in for all of your VASJ spiritwear needs.
All students who plan on trying out for a fall sport (football, soccer, cheerleading, golf, volleyball, cross country) for the 2024-25 school year MUST have an updated OHSAA Sports Physical on file with VASJ’s Athletic Trainer Ms.Mikayla. All parent and student FinalForms MUST also be completed. All paperwork must be turned in by August 1, 2024. Athletes will not be allowed to participate without this information being submitted on time. Physical forms can be found on the OHSAA website or in the Main Office. Please turn in all physical forms to Ms. Mikayla directly by uploading the paperwork directly to FinalForms, emailing it to [email protected], or by dropping the forms off in the RED mailbox located inside the VASJ Main Office to the right.
VASJ students can gain admission to all athletic games using their school ID. Tickets are available online at (there is a processing fee added to the online ticket prices below).
$8 - Adults
$6 - Senior citizens and youth ages 7-17
Free - Children 6 and under
$10 - Cash at the gate (all tickets)
Season passes are also available online for football, girls volleyball, and boys and girls soccer. We look forward to hosting you at our next home event!
Eligibility for all students is run every Monday afternoon. Any student who has two or more Fs for any course will be ineligible for the week. Athletes may not play in any scheduled games until eligibility is established the following Monday. Students in club activities may not participate in any club functions during the school day.
In addition to being ineligible for games/activities, students are also required to attend after school tutoring. Students must sign in and stay for the duration of tutoring. Students who DO NOT ATTEND the tutoring will be INELIGIBLE for an additional week regardless of grades.
After school tutoring will begin on Tuesday, September 10. Tutoring is held from 3:15-4 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week unless we do not have school. Sign-in sheets will be in the room for students to sign. Tutoring is held with Mrs. Armen in room 315 (Science, Religion, & History) or with Ms. Mowrey in room 305 (Math & English).Payment plans for the 2024-2025 school year should have started. If you have not set that up, please do so ASAP.
Financial Aid is available! If you need financial aid for the 2024-25 school year, you must complete FACTS Grant and Aid for any consideration. You can access FACTS by clicking on this link:
If you have any questions, please contact the Business Office at 216-481-8414 ext. 240.
Electronic devices, including but not limited to, smart phones, smart watches, headphones, earbuds, electronic games or toys, iPads, laptops, and lasers are not permitted in areas of instruction.
Maintaining the integrity of the learning environment is our top priority and the use of cell phones has deteriorated the quality of classroom instruction.
If a student uses an electronic device in an unauthorized manner, the following consequences will apply:
First Offense:
Confiscated by the teacher, returned at the end of the period, and reported to the Dean of Students. Demerits will be applied.
Second Offense:
Confiscated by the teacher, turned over to the Dean of Students, and returned at the end of the school day. Parents will be contacted and demerits will be applied.
Third Offense:
Confiscated by the teacher and turned over to the Dean of Students. The parent will be contacted, and the parent must pick up the phone from school.
School Nurse - Molly Kozlowski, BSN, RN, LSN
Clinic Hours: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
[email protected]
216-481-8414 ext. 212
VASJ is currently following Ohio Department of Health and Cleveland Department of Public Health COVID-19 guidelines for schools.
Per the State of Ohio, all students must be up to date on required immunizations for school entry. Please provide the school nurse with a hard copy of immunization records at the beginning of the school year. Immunization records are not always successfully transferred between schools. You will be notified in September or October if your student is out of compliance with immunization requirements. Often, students have received all required immunizations, but a record is incomplete or not on file.
If your student is injured and requires any school accommodations, including access to the elevator, they MUST provide a doctor’s note indicating the injury and any necessary school accommodations. Crocs are not appropriate footwear when recovering from an injury and should not be worn.
Per the Ohio Department of Health, all 12th graders MUST have TWO DOSES of the Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine prior to entry. Please remind your child’s doctor at their next visit and provide documentation of the vaccination to the school nurse. Again, TWO DOSES of MCV4 must be administered for all 12th graders.
Students may NOT carry medication in school during the school day with the exception of emergency medication for seizures, allergies, and asthma. Orders for these medications should be signed by a doctor provided to the school nurse annually. All other medications should be given to the nurse in the original container with a signed medication order and will be kept in the clinic.
New orders are required yearly for medications. Please make sure your doctor completes a new medication order over the summer if your student needs medication in school next year.
VASJ requires each family to have a current email address on record with the school. It is imperative that you check your email account very frequently. Important school-related information (including the weekly Parent Newsletter
with current and upcoming events), time-sensitive alert updates, and teacher/counselor communications are sent via email on a regular basis. You can update your email address through your FinalForms account.
To read the latest Parent Newsletter, please click here.
For the safety of our students, all visitors are asked to enter through the main entrance on Lakeshore Boulevard and report to the Main Office. Guests are required to sign in and wear a visitor badge during their visit.
Parents and visitors are reminded that if they need to park for school business between the hours of 7 to 8 a.m., they are to park in the MAIN LOT in the spots closest to East 185th Street facing Euclid Hospital (near the recycling bins). All other parking spots are assigned and reserved for faculty, staff and students. VASJ reserves the right to tow any car illegally parked at the owner’s expense.
After school parking: The front drive (facing Lakeshore) is NOT TO BE USED FROM 2:30 to 3:30 P.M. FOR STUDENT PICKUP BY PARENTS OR RELATIVES. This area is reserved for the use of VASJ transportation vans.
Parents (relatives/friends, etc.) are NOT permitted to park in the curb lane on Lakeshore Boulevard in front of the school. Please notice that there are NO PARKING and NO STOPPING signs that run from East 185th Street past the school property. These violations cause two issues: parked cars block the line of sight of the VASJ vans exiting the crescent drive, and the blocked curb lane forces the two lanes of traffic into one lane, adding to the safety concerns of pedestrians and our students. You are permitted to park in the crescent drive west of the school, which is Hospice property. The Cleveland Police Department has requested our cooperation in this matter.
VASJ welcomes alumni and alumnae back home to meet with our Alumni Office, get a tour, view yearbooks, or meet with former teachers and staff. To make sure we can accommodate your visit, a pre-scheduled appointment is required. Letting us know you’d like to come in allows us to prepare for your visit.
To meet with our Alumni Office, schedule a tour, or view yearbooks, please contact [email protected].