Barbara A. Blaser Scholarship
The Barbara A. Blaser Scholarship is awarded to young women who excel in technology classes and have an interest in a business career.
Thomas Bodle Scholarship
The Thomas Bodle Scholarship is awarded to individuals with a GPA of at least 2.5, who are involved in at least one activity, club, or sport, and who live out the charisms of the Ursuline Sisters and Marianist Brothers.
Rosalyn Capasso Scholarship
The Rosalyn Capasso Scholarship was established in memory of Rosalyn Capasso, who taught English at Villa Angela Academy. She was young, high energy, and held a vision of her God and held her actions to her vision. She left her mark of an active, positive, intelligent, struggling, devout Catholic who was determined to teach her students a love of English. This scholarship in her name is awarded to a female student finishing her sophomore year, who is a strong Catholic and has an interest in language arts.
Patricia Boone Caravella VA '73 Scholarship
The Patricia Boone Caravella VA '73 Scholarship is awarded to an individual who has an interest in pursuing a career in any of the STEM fields, anticipates attending college and also has an interest in the humanities. A well-rounded individual who has an interest in history, art, literature, or music and is involved in volunteer work. Being Catholic is a plus, but not mandatory.
Louis and Adele Caravella Scholarship
The Louis and Adele Caravella Scholarship is awarded to an individual who has an interest in pursuing a career in any of the STEM fields, anticipates attending college, and also has an interest in the humanities. A well-rounded individual who has an interest in history, art, literature, or music and is involved in volunteer work. A Catholic is a plus, but not mandatory.
Centa Family Scholarship
The Centa Family Scholarship has been established by St. Joseph Class of 1970 alum William J. Centa to recognize students with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA who are involved in two or more extracurricular or club activities.
Clark Blaine Clark Award
The Clark Blaine Clark award was established as a memorial scholarship for three members of the St. Joseph Class of 1990: Steven Clark, Frederick Blaine and Thomas Clark. The award was established to recognize a football player who shows spirit, camaraderie and commitment to the Viking community. Steve, Fred and Tom were members of the State Division II Championship football team. Tom was a student council president and one of three seniors selected to speak at graduation. Steve also wrestled at 189 pounds on the State Division I Championship wrestling team. All three were to attend college on football scholarships.
Dailey Family Scholarship
The Dailey Family Scholarship has been established by Don and Mary Jo Dailey. Don is a St. Joseph Class of 1970 alum. The scholarship recognizes students who have shown leadership and dedication to the Viking community.
Davis-Kerscher Scholarship
The Davis-Kerscher Scholarship is awarded to hard-working students who demonstrate a true appreciation of a strong Catholic education and maintain a 3.25 GPA.
Entrance Exam Scholarship
Students are awarded this scholarship based on their Entrance Exam Scores. Each of these students scored in the top 10% of his/her given year’s entrance exam and has maintained certain levels of honors to renew his/her monetary award.
Anna Mae Eppich-Lang Scholarship
The Anna Mae Eppich-Lang Scholarship is an award in memory of Mrs. Lang. The recipient is a female resident of Cleveland who, in addition to performing well academically, has qualities that epitomize the spirit of VASJ.
Sr. M. Ursula Fahey Scholarship
The Sr. M. Ursula Fahey Scholarship recognizes a daughter of a VA or VASJ alum who displays leadership in school, church and community.
Joseph Farrell Memorial Scholarship
The Joseph Farrell Memorial Scholarship was established in honor of Mr. Farrell, a 1961 graduate of St. Joseph High School and a longtime teacher and administrator. He was the embodiment of Viking Pride and is a member of the VASJ Hall of Fame. This scholarship was created to recognize students who model Christian values, are generous to others, and exhibit a strong sense of Viking loyalty.
Umberto and Mary Ellen Fedeli Family Scholarship
The Umberto and Mary Ellen Fedeli Family Scholarship recognizes students who are examples of living the Gospel values, exhibit a strong work ethic, give service to the community and school, and are excellent role models.
Tom L. Fink Memorial Scholarship
The Tom L. Fink Memorial Scholarship has been designated by the Fink family to go to a member of the VASJ football team who has demonstrated outstanding zeal, enthusiasm and commitment to student life as well as passion and commitment to study, work and sports.
Daniel Flannery Scholarship
The Daniel Flannery Scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates strong work ethic effort and strives to improve academically. The student should be a positive role model in the Viking community, maintain a 2.5 GPA, and be active and always willing to support fellow classmates.
Sally Furlich Scholarship
The Sally Furlich Scholarship was established by the VASJ Parent Organization. This scholarship is awarded to four students who best exemplify the qualities and philosophy of Sally Furlich. Sally had a very strong sense of community and Viking service while employed as a dedicated secretary at St. Joseph High School for many years. She was also the mother of three children who attended St. Joe's and Villa Angela Academy.
Thomas J. Gentile Memorial Scholarship
The Thomas J. Gentile Memorial Scholarship has been created by the Gentile Family in memory of Thomas J. Gentile, a St. Joseph High School graduate of the Class of 1971. Tom was a successful businessman and a longtime baseball fan and coach. Recipients are students who participate in baseball or fast pitch, maintain a GPA of at least 3.0, have a good conduct record, and are interested in a career in business or becoming an entrepreneur.
H.J. Jack Getler Scholarship
The H.J. Jack Getler Memorial Scholarship goes to an outstanding student who has made the greatest contribution to the professionalism of the school’s literary magazine and/or digital media class. Candidates maintain a 2.6 grade point average and represent the characteristics of a true Villa Angela-St Joseph student.
Robert and Mary Gliha Memorial Award
The Robert and Mary Gliha Memorial Award has been designated by the Gliha family in memory of Robert Gliha, a St. Joseph High School graduate of the Class of 1970, and his wife, Mary. Robert was the deputy director of economic development for the City of Euclid, where he dedicated a 37-year career to the development of the city and its local businesses. His wife, Mary, was very active in the community, specifically the Euclid Hunger Center, and a long-time employee of Euclid Hospital. The recipient is a student who excels academically in the area of science, technology, engineering and math, has demonstrated leadership, and is actively involved in service to VASJ as well as their community.
Sr. Rosemary Hocevar Science Scholarship
Sr. Rosemary Hocevar is a former science and math teacher and principal of Villa Angela Academy; she continues her support of VASJ today. The Sr. Rosemary Hocevar Science Scholarship is designated for current sophomores or juniors who have maintained a 2.5 GPA, have demonstrated service to school, parish, and/or community, and are interested in a career in education, science, or math.
Howley Family Scholarship
As incoming freshmen, these students demonstrated high academic achievement in grade school and placed in the top third of the VASJ Placement Test. Students have maintained at least a 3.0 GPA while at VASJ, participate significantly in at least one extracurricular activity, maintain good standing with the school, and submit semi-annually an outline of their progress and academic accomplishments to the Howley Family Foundation.
Edward and Patricia Kaduk Scholarship
The Edward and Patricia Kaduk Scholarship was established by James SJ ’69 and Catherine Kaduk. This award was established under the Keeping our Promises Campaign scholarships.
Kathryn Kerver Memorial Scholarship
Recipient is a Catholic student who shows school spirit, maintains good conduct and attendance, and is willing to be of service to others. Maintains at least 2.5 GPA.
The Kathryn Kerver Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Kathryn Kerver, who lost her life in a car accident in her sophomore year at VASJ in 1991. She was a very spirited young lady who loved life. Her memory lives on in her nephews and nieces who attend VASJ and her brothers and sisters who are all alumni as well. The scholarship recognizes students who are Catholic, have school spirit, good conduct, and a willingness to serve others, are friendly and non-judgmental, treat others equally, and have a 2.5 GPA or better.
Richard and Colette Lieb Scholarship
The Richard and Colette Lieb Scholarship has been established by the Lieb brothers to recognize students who have completed their sophomore year, maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, have demonstrated Christian values, and are involved in two or more extracurricular or club activities.
Joy Kwasniak Swanson “Live For Joy” Memorial Scholarship
The Joy Kwasniak Swanson “Live For Joy” Memorial Scholarship was inaugurated in 2008 by the family of 1991 VASJ graduate, Joy, who succumbed to cancer in 2006. This scholarship is designated for participants in the VASJ basketball program who exhibit the characteristics of a stout leader and an overachiever.
Donald D. Lynch Family Foundation Scholarship
The Donald D. Lynch Family Foundation has awarded Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School with a $20,000 renewable grant for the purpose of providing scholarships for students who are goal-oriented, focused on education, work to their potential, and have demonstrated behavior that is consistent with the school's code of conduct. Most importantly, the students must be actively living their Catholic faith by following the example of Jesus and living the Gospel of the Lord in all that they do.
Pat Lyons Memorial Scholarship
As an All-American scholar-athlete and St. Joseph High School graduate, Pat Lyons reached out to help students succeed and graduate from VASJ. The Pat Lyons Memorial Scholarship for $1,000 each recognizes four student-athletes who exhibit good character and citizenship.
Vincenzo A. Manno Scholarship Fund
The Vincenzo A. Manno Scholarship Fund is awarded to a student from the Collinwood area who has an interest in music or the musical/operatic stage, who intends to pursue a career in music of the stage in some fashion from acting to playing a musical instrument to directing and producing to the business side of the enterprise, and who is engaged in musical activity at the school.
Marianist Excel Program (MEP)
The Marianist Excel Program (formerly MUSP) was founded in 1990 and came to VASJ in 1999, with the first graduating class being in 2003. The Marianist Brothers and Priests contribute over $100,000 a year to operate this program. These students receive academic and social support at VASJ. The students in MEP receive over $10,000 in tuition scholarship aid during their four years. Those chosen for this program go through a thorough and competitive selection process.
Gloria “Mrs. M” Melaragno Scholarship
The Gloria “Mrs. M” Melaragno Scholarship is named in honor of Mrs. Melaragno, who was affectionately known as “Mrs. M” by legions of St. Joseph High School students beginning in the 1960s. The scholarship awards students who are academically and spiritually solid and display the traits Mrs. M. exemplified – selflessness, humor, kindness, hospitality, friendship and sensitivity to others.
Frances Bernadette Meunier Memorial Scholarship
The Frances Bernadette Meunier Memorial Scholarship is awarded to volleyball student-athletes who exhibit a strong work ethic, have great personal leadership and team commitment, and are actively involved in the VASJ community.
Jared Plesec Scholarship
The Jared Plesec Scholarship is awarded to students who dedicate their time to volunteer in the community and through the ministry at VASJ. The student is in good standing academically with a 2.5 GPA. Jared Plesec VASJ '14 was a young man who dedicated his life to the welfare for the advancement of all people. He became active with the Salvation Army and grew to become a senior soldier. At the age of 21, he was brutally killed while taking the time to share the Lord's word with someone who needed his guidance.
Fred & Diana Prince Science Scholarship
The Fred & Diana Prince Science Scholarship is awarded to a junior who demonstrates excellence in science and plans to major in a science or technical field in college. The recipient also demonstrates leadership abilities in scientific activities at VASJ, has a social consciousness regarding the use of science, hopes to have a career in a science field, and is a person of strong moral character.
Timothy W. Robertson Memorial Scholarship
The Timothy W. Robertson Memorial Scholarship recognizes students who are outstanding academic performers and models of school spirit. The basketball court here at VASJ is named for Mr. Robertson, not just because of his devotion to the sport as the longtime statistician, photographer and most enthusiastic fan of the basketball team, but for his steadfast loyalty to all things Viking. The highly respected math teacher and member of the Class of 1962 was a friend to all at VASJ.
Amy Sambula Memorial Spirit Scholarship
The Amy Sambula Memorial Spirit Scholarship recognizes a female student who has spirit, drive, enthusiasm and a love for VASJ. She is a leader and inspires moral leadership in others.
Joseph M. Scaminace Scholarship
The Joseph M. Scaminace Scholarship is named for St. Joseph Class of 1971 graduate Joseph Scaminace. This scholarship awards students who are academically ambitious and display a strong sense of ethics, tenaciousness and personal responsibility.
Scheidel Scholarship
The Scheidel Scholarship was established to assist students who have high aspirations, strong academic performance, and financial need. A cumulative minimum GPA of 3.25 is required.
Sr. Naomi Schreiner Scholarship
The Sr. Naomi Schreiner Scholarship is named after a legendary longtime VASJ Hall of Fame teacher. This $500 award is given to a senior who best represents the four characteristics of the National Honor Society – scholarship, leadership, service and character.
Mary Sopko Family Scholarship
The Mary Sopko Family Scholarship was established by William Sopko, a 1967 graduate of St. Joseph High School, in memory of his mother, Mary. This scholarship recognizes a student who has shown improvement or dedication to their music education.
Spirit and Service Scholarship
The Spirit and Service Scholarship established by Ray Murphy is awarded to a student who is at least a sophomore and who demonstrates the spirit of the Vikings and is committed to serving the school and the community.
St. Joseph Class of 1958 Scholarship
The St. Joseph Class of 1958 Scholarship honors young men who are Catholic, reside in Euclid or Cleveland, have demonstrated scholarship and a love of learning, and are in at least the 10th grade.
St. Joseph Class of 1965/Veterans Memorial Fund Scholarship
The St. Joseph Class of 1965/Veterans Memorial Fund Scholarship is awarded to a new student or sibling of a VASJ graduate who was deployed to a combat zone or who died as a result of deployment. Any student who demonstrates good citizenship through community service or support of Veterans organizations may also receive this award.
St. Joseph Class of 1969 Scholarship
The St. Joseph Class of 1969 Scholarship was established by the Class of 1969 on the occasion of its 50th reunion celebration. This scholarship is given in gratitude for the blessings of the Marianist culture and education these alumni experienced in the Viking Village both inside and outside the classroom. Proudly called “The Class with Heart,” the Class of ’69 awards this scholarship to VASJ students who embody the Viking traditions of school spirit, hard work, friendship and concern for others.
St. Joseph Class of 1970 Scholarship
The St. Joseph Class of 1970 scholarship is awarded to students with a GPA of at least 2.5, who are meaningfully involved in at least one extracurricular activity at school (sports, band, clubs, etc.) with strong consideration given to Music and Drama candidates, and live out the charisms of the Ursuline Sisters and Marianist Brothers.
Kevin Storey Scholarship Fund
The Kevin Storey Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Kevin Story SJ ‘69. The recipient is a graduate of Our Lady of the Lake School, alma mater of Kevin Storey '69 when it was known as Holy Cross, an individual who models the OLL (HC) and VASJ spirit of friendliness, openness, and good humor, and who reflects the Marianist characteristic of hospitality to others.
Judy Ulepic VA '61 Sustar and Roger J. Sustar SJ '61 Scholarship
The Judy Ulepic Sustar and Roger J. Sustar Scholarship was established by Judy (Ulepic) Sustar, Villa Angela Class of 1961, and her husband, Roger J. Sustar, St. Joseph Class of 1961. The scholarship recognizes students with a minimum of a 2.5 GPA who come to school every day, work hard, put forth the effort, stay out of trouble and are involved in extracurricular activities.
Evelyn A. Svete Memorial Scholarship
The Evelyn A. Svete Memorial Scholarship was established by Sandra Turner, VA Class of 1966, and her husband, Jeff, to honor Mrs. Turner’s late aunt, Evie Svete, a 1941 graduate of Villa Angela Academy. A successful businessperson, Evie Svete supported those who worked hard and demonstrated the traits of kindness, generosity, determination and integrity.
Jeff and Sandra Turner Scholarship
Jeff and Sandra established the Jeff and Sandra Turner Scholarship to recognize students who reflect the characteristics of the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland and the order’s foundress, St. Angela Merici: academic excellence and social consciousness rooted in contemplation, justice and compassion.
Ursuline Service Award
In keeping with the mission of the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland to transform society through social justice, the Ursuline Service Scholarship recognizes students who are generous in their service to school, church and community, and leadership in issues of justice.
Nicholas Valentino Memorial Scholarship
The Nicholas Valentino Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of the 1964 graduate of St. Joseph High School by longtime friend, Mark Haskell. For 26 years, Mr. Valentino was an accountant and a member of the Ohio Bar Association as well as the president of Advisory Services Inc. in Cleveland. Nominated by VASJ faculty and chosen by Mr. Valentino’s family, recipients are students who maintain a minimum G.P.A of 3.0, are in good standing with the school, and display a strong work ethic and moral character.
Joseph P. Veasey Scholarship
Inaugurated in 2008 in memory of Joseph Veasey, a 2003 VASJ graduate who passed away after battling Leukemia for 16 months, the Joseph P. Veasey Scholarship is designated to a junior or senior who excels in mathematics and displays strong academic curiosity. The recipients show interest in art, architecture, or engineering and model Marianist family spirit by cultivating meaningful interpersonal relationships and developing a strong sense of community among their peers.
Viking Scholarship
Viking Scholarships, in the amount of $1,000 each, recognize one student per class as model VASJ students who demonstrate strong moral character, scholarship and leadership.
Sr. Angela Marie Waldron Scholarship
The Sr. Angela Marie Waldron Scholarship recognizes a student who has shown a love of learning, has a grade point average of at least 3.0, participates in multiple activities and is active in his/her parish.
Peter C. & Eileen R. Welsh Scholarship
The Peter C. & Eileen R. Welsh Scholarship recognizes a student who is active in the Viking community and demonstrates the true spirit of the Viking family. Should be involved in extracurricular activities and be a positive influence in the Viking community. Student should maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Kay and Vincent Petteruti Scholarship
The Kay and Vincent Petteruti Scholarship is given to students who display kindness toward other students and demonstrate a true understanding of what it means to be a member of the Viking family. Students must also appreciate the benefits of a strong Catholic education and acknowledge the sacrifices their family is making to send them to VASJ.
Father Louis Wiesner Scholarship
The Fr. Louis Wiesner Scholarship was established in memory of the founding principal of St. Joseph High School. This scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated growth in the principles and characteristics of VASJ.
Zlatoper Family Scholarship
In memory of Joseph M. Zlatoper, the Zlatoper Family Scholarship is offered to students who excel in math or science courses by a better than average grade and have demonstrated an interest in math or science as a career. The students also demonstrate the Viking character and spirit that is a VASJ tradition.