VASJ offers retreats for each grade level. Retreats are designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop themselves spiritually and personally while also developing bonds with their classmates.
Kairos is an optional four-day experience for VASJ students. The Kairos experience allows students and faculty to connect on a powerfully deep level and explore their relationship to one another and to God. Students experience faith witnesses, prayer services, small group activities, Mass and Reconciliation. When students (and faculty) return from this retreat, they express what a powerful, life-changing experience it is both on a personal and spiritual level.
Marianist L.I.F.E
Marianist LIFE (Living In Faith Experience) is a national faith formation program for high school students rooted in Catholic and Marianist traditions. Marianist LIFE provides VASJ students with opportunities to grow and flourish in their faith.