Thirty-nine VASJ students from ninth through 12th grade participated in the Catholic Schools for Peace and Justice Mass and Rally for Life Oct. 1 in downtown Cleveland.
The annual event drew more than 400 high school students representing Catholic Schools for Peace and Justice (CSPJ). CSPJ is a network of students and educators from Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Cleveland that's rooted in Catholic social teaching.
"It was a blessed day for our youth to become more aware of the gift of life in all its stages and for us adults to witness their passion to create a world that respects all of God's creation,” said Sr. Denise Vlna, OSU, who is volunteering at VASJ this year.
The students celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist and then marched to Public Square where there was a student-led rally for life. Students advocated for a variety of issues regarding human life and respecting human dignity.
Bishop Nelson Perez shared words written by Pope Francis in “Christ is Alive,” his post-synodal apostolic exhortation: “Dear young people, please, do not be bystanders in life. Get involved! Jesus was not a bystander. He got involved. Don’t stand aloof, but immerse yourselves in the reality of life, as Jesus did.”
After an opening prayer at the rally, students addressed the group on various respect life themes, including domestic violence, suicide, abortion, gun violence, capital punishment and euthanasia.
"Our students have experienced, some first-hand, the ways in which human dignity is often not respected,” said Brianna Wilson, director of campus ministry at VASJ. “It was powerful to see them praying and advocating for the justice they so desperately seek."