Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School graduate Nathan Zavorek ’94 has been named the school’s Athletic Director, effective with the 2013-14 school year. The announcement was made by Principal David Csank on Friday, May 3.
Zavorek replaces longtime Athletic Director Nancy (Slominski) Naujoks ’68 who will become Dean of Students.
“We are very excited to begin a new chapter at VASJ,” said Csank. “As Dean of Students, Nancy will have the opportunity to work even more directly with our students and have a positive influence on their lives. We look forward to Nate’s ideas and vision as he builds on Nancy’s excellent work.”
In her new role, Naujoks will be responsible for handling student affairs including day-to-day duties and discipline issues. She also has been appointed chairperson of the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA) Futuring Committee, which will help guide and lead VASJ faculty, staff and students over the next few years.
“I think the Ursuline and Marianist charisms come into play in helping to develop students’ character. I feel that is what we are called to do,” Naujoks said. “I hope to play a part in helping the students at VASJ become students of character.”
Zavorek has served in many capacities to support the school since his graduation, including his role providing operational support to the 2013 Division IV State Championship boys basketball team. He is a member of the first class to have attended all four years at VASJ after the merger of Villa Angela Academy and St. Joseph High School.
“It certainly is a dream come true,” Zavorek said. “Moving into this position right after the boys basketball team won a state championship is really exciting.”
Zavorek holds two bachelor’s degrees – in business administration and economics – from the University of Pittsburgh. He was awarded his master’s degree in business administration from Cleveland State University in 2000.
A former project manager and economic development coordinator for the City of Eastlake, he has been deeply involved in CYO sports and coaches a summer basketball league for high school boys.
Click here to read the News-Herald article: Prep notes: VASJ selects Zavorek as new AD, changes at Cardinal, Riverside