Representatives from the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland and the Marianists were welcomed to Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School the morning of Jan. 24 for the school’s annual Founders Day Mass.
Founders Day celebrates VASJ’s two founders: St. Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline Sisters, and Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, founder of the Society of Mary (Marianists). Fr. Lukas Laniauskas presided over Mass.
Following Mass, VASJ students were awarded scholarships founded in the spirit of St. Angela Merici or Fr. William Joseph Chaminade in recognition of their accomplishments. Sr. Laura Bregar, OSU '75, Sr. Maureen Grady, OSU '64, Sr. Gretchen Rodenfels, OSU, Sr. Joanne Buckman, OSU, Sr. Linda Martin, OSU, and Sr. Kathleen Flannery, OSU joined us to distribute the Ursuline awards, while Bill Raddell '68 served as a lay representative for the Marianists.
Ursuline Service Scholarship
In keeping with the mission of the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland to transform society through social justice, the Ursuline Service Scholarship recognizes students who are generous in their service to school, church and community, and leadership in issues of justice. Receiving a $500 scholarship award is:
Junior Lily Herlihy
Sr. M. Ursula Fahey Scholarship
The Sr. M. Ursula Fahey Scholarship recognizes a daughter of a VA or VASJ alum who displays leadership in school, church and community. Receiving a $500 scholarship award is:
Senior Alexz Lang
Sr. Rosemary Hocevar Science Scholarship
Sr. Rosemary Hocevar is a former science and math teacher and principal of Villa Angela Academy; she continues her support of VASJ today. The Sr. Rosemary Hocevar Science Scholarship is designated for current sophomores or juniors who have maintained a 2.5 GPA, have demonstrated service to school, parish, and/or community, and are interested in a career in education, science, or math. Receiving a $1,500 scholarship award is:
Junior Allen Wilson
Sr. Naomi Schreiner Scholarship
The Sr. Naomi Schreiner Scholarship is named after a legendary longtime VASJ Hall of Fame teacher. This $500 award is given to a senior who best represents the four characteristics of the National Honor Society – scholarship, leadership, service and character. Receiving a $500 scholarship award is:
Senior Josie Radachy
Sr. Angela Marie Waldron Scholarship
The Sr. Angela Marie Waldron Scholarship recognizes a student who has shown a love of learning, has a grade point average of at least 3.0, participates in multiple activities and is active in his/her parish. Receiving a $500 scholarship award is:
Junior Faith Beckham ‘26
Anna Mae Eppich-Lang Scholarship
The Anna Mae Eppich-Lang Scholarship is an award in memory of Mrs. Lang. The recipient is a female resident of Cleveland who, in addition to performing well academically, has qualities that epitomize the spirit of VASJ. Receiving a $500 scholarship award is:
Sophomore Sophia Hockenberry
Fr. Louis Wiesner Scholarship
The Fr. Louis Wiesner Scholarship was established in memory of the founding principal of St. Joseph High School. This scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated growth in the principles and characteristics of VASJ. Receiving a $1,000 scholarship award is:
Senior Hannah Trhlik
Marianist Excel Program (MEP)
The Marianist Excel Program (MEP), formerly the Marianist Urban Students Program (MUSP), was founded in 1990 and came to VASJ in 1999, with the first graduating class in 2003. The Marianist Brothers and Priests contribute over $100,000 a year to operate this program. These students receive academic and social support at VASJ. The students in MEP receive over $10,000 in tuition scholarship aid during their four years. Those chosen for this program go through a thorough and competitive selection process.
The current MEP students at VASJ are:
Freshmen: In’shireh Abbas Myles Byrd-Henderson Andrew Duncan Kay'Lee Gary Tiana Morrow Joshua Wills Leontae Wright
Sophomores: Kailyn Ellington Shamira Hines Sophia Hockenberry Zoe Horton Daniel Kennedy Juron Parker Lewis Taylor Joseph Treece
Juniors: Ny'Yer Abbas Shawn Dantzler Marion Drake Destiny Johnson
Seniors: Tylen Bryant Kevin Davis Dedrick Davis Allison Hockenberry Da'Vion Taylor Darion Taylor Jetaun Taylor Alexis Parks Vera Rucker