Winning the “Faces of Our Founders” award was a great honor to me. It made me realize that the way I treat others does not go unnoticed. I am surrounded by amazing people every day, and I can easily point out many people who can make my day just by smiling and saying hi to me in the hallway. These are the types of people who motivated me to be a better person myself.
Having a positive, friendly attitude comes naturally most of the time because the people around me know how to put me in a good mood. I notice Jesus in disguise on a daily basis, and if I have the opportunity to make Him known in someone else’s life, I seek to always take it.
This ties back into what our founders have taught. I can honestly say that I try my hardest to live out the values that Blessed Joseph Chaminade and St. Angela Merici left us with. Their teachings are the focal point of our school, which is what makes the Viking community so powerful and positive.
As much as this is said, I don’t believe it will ever lose its meaning: our school is truly a family. A family consists of community and bondedness while still focusing on each individual. A family teaches how to educate for service, justice, and peace while sharing
I am a witness to members of our school community putting others before themselves in these ways, which you may recognize is exactly what Blessed Joseph Chaminade and St. Angela Merici taught. I always keep these thoughts in the back of my mind, because I know that God sent them to spread His word in this way.
I am blessed to have received an award that tells me I reflect our founders’ values because it means that what I do or say mean more to others than I may realize sometimes. It means that I am embracing change, that I may be making a difference in someone else’s life.
We are all extremely blessed to continue the mission of our founders at VASJ, and I mean it when I say that their core values are what will guide me to be successful in my life.