VASJ is excited to be able to claim Billy Vidmar as one of the exceptional students who will be joining the Viking Village in the fall as a member of the Class of 2017.
A recent graduate of St. John of the Cross, Vidmar earned third place at the state Power of the Pen tournament held at the College of Wooster. The writing competition started with more than 7,500 entries and Vidmar made it to the final three.
His writing style is creative and action-filled. "I try to put a creative spin on the topic and go from there," Vidmar says. "I start with the setting or scene and then introduce the problem. I usually like to put action into my writing.
Vidmar is excited to become a student at VASJ in August and plans to join the Ventures literary magazine club. "I like that the school is small and I won't just be one of a thousand students," Vidmar says. "I will get individual attention at VASJ."
Click here to read the News-Herald article, "Euclid student's flair for writing saluted in state competition."
Billy Vidmar, an incoming freshman at VASJ, proudly displays his third place plaque
from the Power of the Pen state competition.