The East 185th Street roadway improvement project is scheduled to begin Monday, May 16. Updated parking procedures will be in place from May 16 through the end of the school year between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
1. Note that these procedures will require patience, courtesy and care for the safety of our students and all who travel in and around Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School. Your full cooperation is expected and appreciated.
2. Access and parking in the school parking lot will be limited to school vans, faculty, staff, driving students and vendors. No visitor or parent access or parking will be available.
3. East 185th Street (North of Abby Avenue) will be designated as Northbound only. There will be no Southbound access (North of Abby Avenue). East 200th Street is the designated Southbound detour.
4. Any vehicles exiting the school parking lot will be required to drive NORTH on East 185th, EAST on the CCF parking drive, and SOUTH on E.189th to access Lakeshore Boulevard.
5. Families dropping students off in the morning may use the U-shaped driveway in front of the school or the Hospice-owned U-shaped driveway West of the school property. It is recommended that you make a right-hand turn when exiting either of these driveways. DO NOT STOP OR PARK ON LAKESHORE BOULEVARD TO DROP OFF STUDENTS. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THE SCHOOL'S REAR PARKING LOT.
6. Families picking up students in the afternoon may use the U-shaped driveway in front of the school or the Hospice-owned U-shaped driveway West of the school property. It is recommended that you make a right-hand turn when exiting either of these driveways. DO NOT STOP OR PARK ON LAKE SHORE BOULEVARD TO PICK UP STUDENTS. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THE SCHOOL'S REAR PARKING LOT.
7. Families can also drop off or pick up their students on the adjacent side streets and have them cross Lakeshore Boulevard in the DESIGNATED CROSS WALKS AND TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLED AREAS.
8. Again please note that these procedures will require patience, courtesy and care for the safety of our students and all who travel in and around VASJ. Your full cooperation is expected and appreciated.