CLEVELAND (April 10, 2014) - Fundraising records were broken at Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School's Fourth Annual Classic Mixer Gala held on Saturday, April 5. After all expenses were paid, the school netted $250,000, making it the most successful fundraising event in the history of the school (including founding schools Villa Angela Academy and St. Joseph High School).
Of the $250,000 netted, $195,000 was raised for "Continuing the Dream" which provides funds to be used exclusively toward scholarships and financial aid for deserving students and families.
Board of Advisors Chairman Don Dailey '70 set the stage for "Continuing the Dream" by announcing that a group of "Dream Makers" had each agreed to donate $5,000 or more. Leading the list was Joseph Scaminace '71 with a donation of $25,000. Several additional donors stepped up to join the Dream Makers at the event. (A complete list of Dream Makers and event sponsors appears below.)
In support of the 23 former St. Peter Chanel High School students now at VASJ, a group called the "Firebird Family Dream Makers" then was announced. Before the night was over, supporters of the former Chanel students had given $35,000.
Jeff and Dr. Sandra (Pertekel) '66 Turner announced that they would join the Dream Makers by donating $20,000 to endow The Evelyn A. Svete Memorial Scholarship at VASJ, named in honor of Sandra's aunt who was a 1941 graduate of Villa Angela Academy. The couple received a standing ovation from the enthusiastic crowd of 330 attendees.
In addition to faculty and staff, current VASJ students were a significant presence at the event. Junior Danielle Paus and sophomore John Henry Posey served as the night's emcees.
The event was a true team effort and would not have been possible without the hard work of the event chair Mike Romeo '88 and the entire Classic Mixer committee.
"Every successive year, our donors, staff and volunteers outdo themselves," says VASJ President Richard Osborne '69. "Their support speaks volumes about their commitment to continue the dream of a VASJ education for generations to come."
Additional donations can be made online (click here) or mailed to the Advancement Office at 18491 Lakeshore Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44119.
Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School is a Catholic, comprehensive, co-educational high school committed to academic excellence and the development of student gifts. With a college preparatory curriculum rooted in Ursuline and Marianist core values of education, service, justice and diversity, VASJ strives to bring each student to a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ and Gospel values.
For more information, contact Emily Robinson at 216-481-8414 ext. 235 or [email protected].
Dream Makers
Joseph Scaminace '71
Presenting Sponsor
Jeff and Dr. Sandra (Pertekel) '66 Turner
The Evelyn A. Svete '41 Memorial Scholarship
Jamie '76 and Josie Myers
Clark '79 and Rosy Kellogg
Umberto '78 and Maryellen Fedeli
Don '70 and Mary Jo Dailey
London Fletcher '93
Mike '81 and Christine Golic
Ladies Night Out
Greg '70 and Carol Lieb
Nick Longo '79
Hon. Timothy '62 and Valerie McCormack Family
Tim '73 and Stephanie Misny
Raymond Murphy
Anthony '82 and Cindy Rini
Joe Znidarsic '69 and Cleveland Indians
Firebird Family
Dream Makers
Paul and Karen Betori
HGR Industrial Surplus
Peter Joyce
Frank '65 and Charlotte Osborne
Patrick Winslow
Additional Firebird gifts of $1,000 and above
Joe Maurer
Anthony Tricarichi
In honor of VASJ graduate Ryan Hooper '11