As I reflect over the past four years, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to serve and learn so many things while attending VASJ.
Since we are the only school that carries both the Ursuline and Marianist traditions, we should consider ourselves to be special because this is one of the many things that makes us so unique.
Following the Ursuline Core Values and Characteristics of Marianist Education has allowed me to grow academically and spiritually. Our school places an emphasis on the importance of service and leadership.
Many people would define leadership as being in control or having power over someone or something. Leadership to me, however, is not only knowing when to lead, but knowing when to follow.
I have learned how to pull myself up and how to help someone that needs to be lifted.
Our teachers emphasize to us that service is much more than just getting our service requirement hours over with. Service is our way of spreading God’s love to other people. I believe that we are all servants to humanity, and it is our job to serve others and to carry out God’s word in our everyday lives.
I am so proud to call myself a Viking. Being a part of this family has truly made me into a better person. I can say that I am leaving VASJ this year with more confidence, self-respect and thankfulness in my heart.
I have made some mistakes along the way, and I have learned some valuable lessons. I have also accomplished many things that have molded me into the young lady that my family can be proud of.
I appreciate all of my teachers and peers who have challenged and motivated me to grow in ways that I could not imagine. I know this is the result of being in a school whose charism emphasizes educating the whole person.