VASJ's Teen Leadership Corp class, which focuses on teaching students service learning, is having a fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of America.
During the week of September 16-20, the class will be collecting new clothes for Boys and Girls Club of America. By donating items, students will receive free tickets to the Cleveland Indians game this Sunday, September 22, at Progressive Field. (Game begins at 1 p.m.)
The following items are being collected for the fundraiser:
One unopened pack of three or more pairs of socks = two free tickets
One unopened pack of three or more undershirts or underwear = two free tickets
One set of hat, gloves, scarf = two free tickets
One new sweatshirt with tags = two free tickets
One new pair of sweatpants = two free tickets
Items can be brought to VASJ's Main Office. For more information, please contact VASJ Campus Minister Jill Latkovich at [email protected].