It was so nice seeing many of you Friday as you picked up your caps and gowns. I'm sorry I couldn't see you all, as I was busy in my office for much of the day. I hope you like your signs (and display them with pride to celebrate your amazing accomplishments!) and your Class of 2020 alumni T-shirts.
As stated in previous emails, graduation will take place on Wednesday, May 27 by way of a video distributed to everyone. Most students have picked up their caps and gowns as well as diploma covers. If you were not able to come up to school on Friday, please email me to arrange a pickup date and time. We will have a separate pickup day for diplomas and other awards, Kairos letters, etc. That date will be announced later. Although the graduation will be virtual instead of the traditional in-person version, we will incorporate many of the same traditions of the VASJ graduation for the class of 2020. There will be prayers, speeches, songs and the Alma Mater.
For their part, the seniors are being asked to create two videos of themselves.
The first video, which we are asking all students to do, is a 5-10 second video of themselves, in cap and gown, holding their diploma cover. This is the video that will play as their name is read in the graduation program. Other than "keep it appropriate," there are no restrictions for this video. You can include other family members, jump up and down, scream, dance, etc. If your video is inappropriate, you will be asked to redo it.
The second video is optional, but hopefully all will participate. This video is a video send-off — a chance to say goodbye to your friends or teachers, share your next steps (college, what you plan on studying, etc.), share a favorite memory, or any other message you want to share. Again, the only requirement is that it is appropriate for a Catholic environment. This video can be up to 30 seconds in length. Any inappropriate message will not be included in the video.
All of you should have received an invite to join the Graduation Google Classroom. If you have not joined, please do so ASAP. If you didn't receive an invite, email Mrs. Marxen at
[email protected]. In the classroom, there will be two assignments, one for each video. Then, all you need to do is film your video and upload one video per assignment.
Please have your video or videos submitted by the end of the day on Friday, May 15. Please understand that if you do not have your video(s) submitted by Friday, May 15, we will use your senior picture in its place. Again, the graduation video will air on Wednesday, May 27.
Please let me, Mrs. Marxen, or Mrs. Mott know if you have any questions or difficulty with uploading the videos.
As a reminder, we are still planning to hold Prom on July 17, Baccalaureate Mass on July 22 and an in-person graduation on July 24. Of course, those events will be contingent on government regulations.