At an Ursuline retreat over the summer, a group of VASJ’s Peer Ministers set the goal of getting more student involvement at VASJ’s Masses. With that in mind, they chose “Start the Fire” as the theme for this year’s Opening Mass.
VASJ Peer Ministers chose "Start the Fire" as the theme for this year's Opening Mass.
The meaning behind the theme is to encourage each student at VASJ to ignite a fire within themselves each time they come to pray together -- a fire that inspires students to sing along and clap their hands to the music during Mass and as a result, spread joy to everyone around them.
“We invite everyone to raise your voices today as we sing in celebration of this joyous moment and in hopeful prayer for a successful year,” says VASJ Peer Minister Cori Carr '16 during her introduction at Opening Mass.
VASJ Peer Minister Cori Carr '16 provided the introduction for Mass.
The careful thought and consideration VASJ’s Peer Ministers put into the selection of the music for the Mass with hopes of “starting the fire” among their classmates paid off.
The gym was truly vibrant.
With help from the talents of Our Lady of the Lake’s Music Director Melissa Gali-Bird, it was an energetic and beautiful Opening Mass celebrated by Bishop Richard Lennon.
“I’ve been coming here for a number of years now and I look forward to it each year,” says Bishop Lennon.
“Today is a special Mass,” says Cori. “Not only is it our prayer for God’s blessing on the new school year, but this morning we will be installing new Eucharistic Ministers who will help serve our school through this ministry.”
Four seniors (Katie Raddell, Cynthia Negrete, Erin Maher and Joseph Tromba) and one staff member (Kevin Flynt ’70) answered the call and were commissioned by Bishop Lennon as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.
With enrollment the highest it has been in nearly a decade, VASJ’s Opening Mass marks the official start to what is sure to be another wonderful school year.
Mass came to a close with final remarks from Bishop Lennon.
“You’ll have my prayers with you throughout this year.”