Late this spring, Sr. Martha Mooney announced that she would be moving on from her role as the Director of the Marianist Urban Student Program at VASJ.
The faculty and staff wanted to bid her a proper farewell and thank her for her ten years of dedicated service to VASJ. Knowing Sr. Martha's love for the Cleveland Indians, the staff surprised her with a trip to a game. In addition to getting her name on the jumbotron and meeting slider, Sr. Martha was able to witness the first Tribe win in 12 games, ending their 11 game losing streak.
"In all of my life, nothing like this has ever happened to me," Sr. Martha said of her surprise day. She will be greatly missed in the Viking Village.
VASJ faculty and staff members celebrate Sr. Martha's 10 years of service at the Cleveland Indians game
Sr. Martha meets Slider at the Cleveland Indians
Sr. Martha appears on the Jumbotron at the Cleveland Indians
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